I checked the catalina code and you are correct.  My mistake.

I use DBCP with it configured for RemoveAbandoned using MySQL.
And it works for me.  The config below and the code snippet looks
ok.  I would suspect it has something to do with the JDBC driver.

Perhaps you should try the same code and config (except for
db specific config stuff) and see if it works.  If it does,
then the problem is rleated to the JDBC driver for SQLServer.



Dennis Muhlestein wrote:
> I was under the impression also that the BasicDataSourceFactory is a
> default.
> On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 04:46, Glenn Nielsen wrote:
>>Your config isn't configured to use DBCP.  It is missing the following:
>>             <parameter>
>>               <name>factory</name>
>>               <value>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory</value>
>>             </parameter>
>>That is why none of the DBCP features were working.
>>Amitabh Dubey wrote:
>>>This is what my final working server.xml file looks like
>>><Resource name="SQLServerDS" scope="Shareable" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
>>>    <ResourceParams name="SQLServerDS">
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>url</name>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>validationQuery</name>
>>>        <value></value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>maxIdle</name>
>>>        <value>3</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>maxActive</name>
>>>        <value>5</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>driverClassName</name>
>>>        <value>com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>maxWait</name>
>>>        <value>6000</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>removeAbandoned</name>
>>>        <value>true</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>user</name>
>>>        <value>sa</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>removeAbandonedTimeout</name>
>>>        <value>5</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>      <parameter>
>>>        <name>password</name>
>>>        <value>sa</value>
>>>      </parameter>
>>>    </ResourceParams>
>>>And this was my test program
>>>try {
>>>         // assumes jndi.properties has been configured appropriately
>>>         Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
>>>             Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
>>>         // Get a Connection
>>>         DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(jndiName);
>>>         Connection con = null;
>>>             Statement st = null;
>>>             ResultSet res = null;
>>>             ResultSetMetaData meta = null;
>>>         try
>>>             {
>>>                     con = ds.getConnection();
>>>                     st = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
>>>                                                        ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
>>>                     res = st.executeQuery(sql);
>>>                     meta = res.getMetaData();
>>>                     int cols = meta.getColumnCount();
>>>                     // since this is a scrollable ResultSet,
>>>                     // do something a little strange...
>>>                     while (!res.isLast()) {
>>>                         res.next();
>>>                         for (int i=1; i<=cols; i++) {
>>>                             Object val = res.getObject(i);
>>>                             System.out.print("\t" + meta.getColumnLabel(i) + ": ");
>>>                             System.out.print(val == null ? " " : val.toString());
>>>                         }
>>>                         System.out.print("\n");
>>>                     }
>>>         }
>>>             catch (SQLException sqle)
>>>             {
>>>                     sqle.printStackTrace();
>>>         }
>>>         finally
>>>             {
>>>                     // PoolMan closes ResultSets and Statements whenever
>>>                     // Connections are closed, no need for it here
>>>                     if (null != res)
>>>                     {
>>>                             try
>>>                             {
>>>                                     res.close();
>>>                             }
>>>                             catch(SQLException e)
>>>                             {
>>>                             }
>>>                     }
>>>                     if (null != st)
>>>                     {
>>>                             try
>>>                             {
>>>                                     st.close();
>>>                             }
>>>                             catch(SQLException e)
>>>                             {
>>>                             }
>>>                     }
>>>                     if (con != null)
>>>                     {
>>>                             try
>>>                             {
>>>                                     con.close();
>>>                             }
>>>                             catch (SQLException sqle2)
>>>                             {
>>>                             }
>>>                     }
>>>         }
>>>     } catch (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException nne) {
>>>         System.out.println("ERROR: No DataSource is registered under the name "
>>>                            jndiName + ", please check your poolman.props " +
>>>                            " and deployment tool.\n");
>>>         return nne.getMessage();
>>>     } catch (javax.naming.NamingException nex) {
>>>         System.out.println("ERROR: JNDI Exception Occurred. Is your JNDI
>>>resource available?\n");
>>>         nex.printStackTrace();
>>>         return nex.getMessage();
>>>     } catch (java.security.AccessControlException ae) {
>>>         System.out.println("ERROR: You cannot execute the DataSource example
>>>with " +
>>>                            "the security permissions you are using. Try using the 
>" +
>>>                            "poolman.policy file: " +
>>>                            "java -Djava.security.policy=../lib/poolman.policy
>>>         return ae.getMessage();
>>>     }
>>>I was facing the problem, when i was not explicitly closing the resultset
>>>and statement. but if i do, then the connections are reused and the pool
>>>grows correctly. But the removeabandoned definitly does not work with Tomcat
>>>4.1.2. I am using this in a webservice and Tomcat 4.1.2 came packaged with
>>>the jwsdk from sun. if i find tomcat bugy, i might downgrade.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Glenn Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:04 PM
>>>To: Tomcat Users List
>>>Subject: Re: DBCP pool always increasing
>>>In the config you posted you didn't have RemoveAbandoned configured, by
>>>default is is set to false.  You also didn't set the maxActive, by default
>>>I believe it is unlimited.  An example of your code which uses the
>>>JNDI named datasource would also be helpfull in debugging these type
>>>of problems.
>>>Amitabh Dubey wrote:
>>>>I used performance monitor to view the number of user connections to the
>>>>database. Although i was closing the connection in my client code, the
>>>>size / connections to the database were always increasing. Given that i
>>>>executing only one program at a time, i would expect that this number not
>>>>on increasing.
>>>>So i closed not only the connections, but resultset and statements as
>>>>This solved my problem. However, the tomcat dbcp documentation suggests
>>>>we have a removeAbandoned and the timeout for this property also set. My
>>>>remove abandones was set to true and the timeout value was 5 secs. But
>>>>values seem to be ignored. So the only sure way out is to close everything
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Glenn Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 7:22 PM
>>>>To: Tomcat Users List
>>>>Subject: Re: DBCP pool always increasing
>>>>What do you mean by your pool is increasing in size?  That the number of
>>>>connections to the db is increaing? What is the indicator that this
>>>>is happening?  The more specific you can be the better chance that someone
>>>>can answer your question.
>>>>Amitabh Dubey wrote:
>>>>>Hello All,
>>>>> I managed to use DBCP with SQL Server and am able to get connections
>>>>>the pool. After i execute my query, i close the connection also, but it is
>>>>>going back to my pool and i have verified that. However, what I do not
>>>>>understand is this : Why does the pool go on increasing and never
>>>>>in size. This is what my server.xml looks like
>>>>><ResourceParams name="SQLServerDS">
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>validationQuery</name>
>>>>>      <value></value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>user</name>
>>>>>      <value>sa</value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>url</name>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>password</name>
>>>>>      <value>sa</value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>maxActive</name>
>>>>>      <value>3</value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>maxWait</name>
>>>>>      <value>120</value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>driverClassName</name>
>>>>>      <value>com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver</value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>    <parameter>
>>>>>      <name>maxIdle</name>
>>>>>      <value>5</value>
>>>>>    </parameter>
>>>>>  </ResourceParams>
>>>>>If i understand the parameters correctly, then
>>>>>maxActive --> Maximum number of connections allowed to the database (What
>>>>>happens when this number is reached? For me i get a new connection and the
>>>>>pool increases. Is this the expected behavior? Can i change it to fail or
>>>>>block instead?)
>>>>>maxidle --> Maximum number of idle connections that the pool should hold
>>>>>(For me my pool never goes down to this limit)
>>>>>maxWait --> Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available
>>>>>removeAbandoned --> recycle connections if the removeAbandonedTimeout is
>>>>>reached and the connection is idle. in our case it is true.
>>>>>removeAbandonedTimeout --> 5
>>>>>If i am correct, why is my pool growing forever and not reducing in size?
>>>>>Any ideas?
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