OK, I see a lot going on here, I will try and list everything I noticed:

1. change ServerName in httpd.conf to match Host "name" in server.xml.  This
is key.

2. workers.properties: remove ALL designations for AJP12.  remove or comment
out ALL load balancing designations.  I'm not familiar with all of that
in-process stuff, but a non in-process workers.properties can be done in
four lines:


3. Change "host" in workers.properties to match ServerName in httpd.conf and
Host "name" in server.xml.  This is KEY!

4. In server.xml, comment out the AJP13 connector on port 8007...I don't
know why that is there...you only need one, and it needs to match whatever
"port" is in workers.properties.

In short, I think you should really take things one step at a time...I know
your site is down, and I know things are urgent, but you have to be
systematic about things, otherwise you go in circles and miss small things
like "host" in workers.properties being "localhost" instead of


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Wynter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 1:06 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: New Release JK 1.2.0 not installing
> OK, they are all reproduced here, I have not tried to change 
> them because I
> am stumped. Based on what I have read the config file s'look' right.
> I have Apache running on port 80 but when I try to use 
> www.roamware.com:8080
> I get connection refused now.
> I successfully built the connectors, followed the tutorial at 
> yolinux but
> still cannot get Apache to redirect gets to port 8080 to Tomcat.
> Here are the contents of my logs and key config files, I've 
> cut the comments
> out to reduce the bulk. Can you see what is
> wrong, 'cause I cannot.
> error.log:

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