The script is rather rough right now, but it is simple. I use ssh to
call the tomcat startup script like so:

ssh hostname /etc/init.d/tomcat stop

Here is the contents of the startup script. I have two Tomcat
directories, /usr/local/tomcat1 and /usr/local/tomcat2. I have them
sharing a centralized webapps directory in /usr/local/webapps. I run the
tomcat processes with an unpriveledged use, 'tomcat'.


Ben Ricker

-----Tomcat Startup Script-------

# tomcat        Starts the Tomcat server
# Author:       All kinds of people
# chkconfig: 345 50 50
# processname: httpd
# pidfile: /usr/local/apache/logs/

# Begin /etc/init.d/apache

case "$1" in
    echo -n "Starting Tomcat..."
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat1/bin/"
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat2/bin/"

    echo -n "Stopping Tomcat..."
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat1/bin/"
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat2/bin/"

    echo -n "Restarting Tomcat..."
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat1/bin/"
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat2/bin/"
    sleep 5
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat1/bin/"
    /bin/su tomcat -c "/usr/local/tomcat2/bin/"

    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"


# End /etc/init.d/tomcat

On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 13:52, Michael Schulz wrote:
> I am facing a similar issue in terms of updating our tomcat servers in the
> cluster.
> I was thinking about doing a similar thing...using the http connector (which
> is behind a firewall and not accessible to the outside world) on each tomcat
> server to communicate with the tomcat manager app
> (http://tomcat1:8080/manager/reload?path=/mywebapp).  I would think it would
> be easy enough to write a script that uses Lynx to invoke this same URL on
> all four servers.  I don't think it is a problem to be restarting tomcat
> frequently, at least I have not seen a problem and we've done this quite a
> bit in our QA environment.
> Ben, may I see the script that you are currently using to restart tomcat on
> the multiple servers?  Also, have you done any load testing? If so, what
> sort of load is your system able to support?
> -Mike Schulz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Ricker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 1:32 PM
> Subject: Reloading w/ Manager on cluster?
> I have a setup with 2 APache servers (1.3.27 on Redhat 7.3) talking to 4
> tomcats clustered across two SOlaris 8 boxes running Tomcat 4.0.5. We
> have a load balancer across the web servers and, of course, mod_jk 1.2.0
> doing the load balancing across the Tomcats.
> We have a QA environment where I want the abilty to reload the apps
> through the manager application. We cannot do it through the Apache load
> balancer because you cannot quarantee what Tomcat you are going to talk
> to at any given request.
> I thought of having Tomcat use its embedded web server on 8080 and 8081
> on each Tomcat server and have the developers call those for reloading,
> but they would have to do that 4 times for every reload. Plus, if we
> scale to a bigger cluster, the problem becomes worse.
> I do have a script that stops and restarts all of the tomcats from a
> central location, but is there any danger to be restarting Tomcat
> frequently? Has anyone worked around a cluster for the management app?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> --
> Ben Ricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
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