On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 12:17:05PM -0300, Mauro Daniel Ardolino wrote:
> I think all this is all right.  I've used case sensitive names all the
> time, even under windows.  Also used "/" instead of "\".
> I think the problem is not due to Linux.  I've found some mails about
> problems migrating to tomcat 4.1.12 from 4.0.4.  Problems about tomcat is
> not loading the servlets.

     My advice is to start by narrowing down the random factors.
Start by checking on the example webapps that come with Tomcat - if
they don't run, then you know your tomcat install is somehow messed

     If the example apps all run fine, try to run mySimpleServlet on
the same version on both systems (i.e.  Tomcat 4.1.12 under win98, or
4.0.4 under Linux).  If the problems go away, then you know it's
tomcat versions.  Frankly, my advice there is just to standardize on
one version.  Tomcat is pretty easy to install; just download the
binary tar.gz file and expand it, and you're running.  If you really
want to, you can keep tracking down the problem, but first get your
immediate job done!

     If the problems persist, try rebuilding the mySimpleServlet
webapp directory from scratch, on the system you're having trouble

     Oh, one other thought is to check the permissions on the files
under Linux.  Make sure mySimpleServlet and the files it includes are
all the same permissions and ownership as the rest of Tomcat.  Windows
has a pretty sloppy permissions system, from what I recall.

     Two last thoughts:

     I'm not sure what extra switches tomcat might have for verbose
logging, check the mailing list archives at nagoya.apache.org.  If it
has any, try 'em.

     Lastly, your problem *might* be in the java environment, not in
the tomcat.  Java exceptions are a handy programming construct, but
sometimes they make it hard to track down the true cause of a problem.
I remember running into that when I was tracking down the mysterious
fore/backslash problems. A "file not found" exception gets caught and
and transformed (ideally by wrapping, but the code might just throw
away the exception and instantiate a new one) as a "resource not
available" exception.

     One gotcha I ran into with the project I was working on; we were
looking for a specific file, outside of the tomcat structure.  So I
put in a print statement to list the file name, to make sure the name
was what I thought it was, and that it existed.  Then I clipped out
the name and did "ls" on it to make sure it really was there.  It was
there -- or at least it seemed to be.  The problem was, the command
shell I was doing this in was being too helpful - interpreting the
file name and expanding it.  In fact, the filename was something like
"foo/./bar" and java was *not* recognizing it.  So watch out for those
sort of subtle gotchas.

Steven J. Owens

"I'm going to make broad, sweeping generalizations and strong,
 declarative statements, because otherwise I'll be here all night and
 this document will be four times longer and much less fun to read.
 Take it all with a grain of salt." 
 - Me at http://darksleep.com

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