Comment on my question.. Ive been having a read,

It seems if you do not specify a factory, tomcats "default factory is used"
- org.apache.naming.factory.DbcpDataSourceFactory

If correct, is it a good idea to go with this ?


                              To:       "Tomcat Users List" 
                      21/10/2002 11:22         Subject:  Connection Pooling            
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Tomcat Users                                                    


I have implemented a connection pool (oracle 9i database) on websphere and
want to move it to Tomcat.. well, i kind of have, but want to run my
observations past the group first.

I ran a test, whereby a class with a main method created several threads,
each making URL requests of the webapplication.  I monitored the
connections in Websphere.  As I would expect the pool never went over the
max connections (10), and the test averaged a peak of about 7 connections.

Basically, the only change I had to make to move this to Tomcat was change
the way the initial context lookup was carried out.

On Tomcat, I ran exactly the same test, but the most connections I saw at
any given time was 3.  Maybe tomcats connection pool is clever, I dont
know, but the thing that has me worried is that in order to get the Tomcat
version to work, I had to remove the following from the server.xml file :


I tried putting commons-dbcp.jar into my common/lib folder, which does
contain the class specified, but i get a noclassdeffounderror on :

So, at the moment, without this factory, is the app pooling connections at
all ? Is it better that I get the factory mentioned above working ? If so,
how ?



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