In ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/tomcat-user.xml, add a user and a role like this

<user name="XXX" password="XXX" roles="manager" />

Then restart Tomcat.

--  Jeanfrancois

Billy Ng wrote:

If you copied the war file to the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory, TC should
recognize it and expand it for you. Is it expanded? Look in the webapps
directory, do you see a new directory there with the same name as your war
file?. If you still have the Tomcat http connector running then go to
http://localhost:8080/name_of_your_webapp and it should be there. If not
look through all your log files for errors.

After I reinstalled the tomcat, it works now. I don't know why???

To use the manager app go to http://localhost:8080 then click on Tomcat
Manager, login with the same login you used for admin, put in your

The tomcat is running on my local windows XP, what user id should I use?


Billy Ng

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