Pls see below..
Thanks and regards,
Do you have an index.html file in your ROOT context/webapp?

......yes its there 

..I suspect some configuration or user right as it says resource not available..i made 
its owner as tomcat and permissions are 777..

...pls advice as it must be a simple problem...and i am a novice with hp 
systems.....but i have checked min. config mentioned in running.txt and everything 
seems to be ok

most likely /opt/jakarta/webapps/ROOT/index.html
What do you get if you try http://ip_address:8080/ without specifying a

.......I still get the same error

Also for your HP-UX machine did you use the apache/tomcat depot provided by
HP or did you download the files from apache and jakarta websites? If the
latter how much trouble did you have compiling the connector between apache
and tomcat? This does not have to do with your problem but I am simply
curious as I use HP-UX machines, as well.

......apache jakarta file gave me some error so i used the depot for that but tomcat 
installation was smooth from jakarta binary file

-----Original Message-----
From: Vishal Gupta [mailto:vhgupta1@;]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:57 AM
Subject: tomcat not working

Hi All,

I have installed tomcat/apache on HP-UX machine.

Apache is working fine but i can't see the tomcat home page at

error is below. I have checked all the conf files in conf
directory.everything seems to be OK please suggest the solution.


Apache Tomcat/4.0.4 - HTTP Status 404 - /index.html

type Status report

message /index.html

description The requested resource (/index.html) is not available.

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Schlumberger Measurement & Systems India Ltd 
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