You need to take an off-line approach where the servlet places a job request
into a job queue, and another application (or perhaps a servicing thread
inside tomcat) services the request and mails it to the user. There's no way
users are going to leave their browser running for an hour to get a report.

George Sexton
MH Software, Inc.
Home of Connect Daily Web Calendar Software
Voice: 303 438 9585

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick, Andrea [mailto:Andrea.Dick@;]
Sent: 28 October, 2002 1:20 PM
Subject: Question regarding long running web applications


I am in the process of designing a web application (servlet based) that
will get data from a mainframe application.  At times one or more
end-user's request may take several minutes possibly up to an hour to
complete.    I am attempting to plan for a worst case scenario that has
all end-users making requests that take up to an hour to complete.
>From my understanding of Tomcat it is possible to configure how many
requests can be processed at one time and how many can be on a queue
waiting.  In my scenario, it is possible that all requests processing
could be waiting on data from the mainframe, yet Tomcat and the Web
server itself would have cycles to process requests queued waiting.

I'm wondering whether there is a way with Tomcat/Servlets that I might
set up my own worker queue and thread pool to process requests; keep the
connection with the end user (client) active and free up tomcat requests
for additional processing?     (Apparently it is possible with Microsoft
IIS and its Isapi interface.)

I've been searching for an answer to my question and haven't been able
to find it.  I'm hoping someone might have the answer or a
recommendation for me.

Andrea Dick

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