I don't like this approach for connections in a web 

If the connection is available for more than one request
depends on the way the container handles threads.
If each request is a new Thread you will win nothing. 
Instead you will loose performace as each request
would create a new connection to the database.

Even if the threads are recycled (If the servlet engine 
supports a ThreadPool and is configured to use it), you 
don't have control about which request gets which thread, 
so I don't see how you will use this to lazy load 
resultsets. In this case you also have no control when the 
threads are killed. (It's up to the servlet engine)

If you don't need database access in every request (which 
is quite typical if you use tomcat standlone) the situation 
even gets worse. In the long term every thread in the pool 
will have a connection (Each time a request with database
access that is assigned to a thread that has no connection 
a connection has to be created for that thread.)

Many drivers have problems with connections that are not 
explicitly closed so you would have to make shure that
close() is called whenever a thread is killed.

It's also not a good idea to rely on the garbage collector
to close connections as you don't have control when the gc 
is run. 

It's very likely that you keep much more connections open 
than you actually need, you might even run out of 
connections if you hit the database limit.

With a connection pool you have a much better control 
about the amount of open connections.

Ralph Einfeldt
Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH
Hamburg, Germany
Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reynir Hübner [mailto:reynir@;hugsmidjan.is]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8:06 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: JDBC / ThreadLocal pattern.
> In (very) short:  the idea here is to have one 
> jdbc-connection for each thread, instead of a pool with connections.
>  1. I will never have to worrie about not returning 
> connections anymore, as they will always be garbage collected 
> as soon as the thread is dead.
>  2. The connection will be available for more than one 
> request so I can lazy load resultsets.
>  3. This might make transaction-service implementation easyer
>  4. many other great things....

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