Try 2.1.0....This is the only version that works properly.

-- Jeanfrancois

Manuel González Castro wrote:

Yep, known issue. Try using the previous version of Xerces-2.x.x. The
newest one doesn't seem to play well with Digester.

That's what I did: I replaced the original xercesImpl.jar (version 2.0.1)
with the Xerces 2.0.0 xercesImpl.jar, but I get the same error.

This has been discussed before, suggesting the Xerces included with Tomcat
4.1.14, but it doesn't work for me. As I've said, I've tried:

xercesImpl.jar (included with Tomcat 4.1.14)
xercesImpl.jar (Xerces 2.0.0)
xercesImpl.jar (Xerces 2.2.0)
xerces.jar (included with Tomcat 4.0.6 = Xerces 1.4.4)


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