you need to replace the pound character with the equivalent HTML code.

as in replace with "£". that should work.


Anthony Martin wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have hit a very interesting problem with precompilation of jsp files
> using the jspc.bat which is distributed with Tomcat.
>  In trying to precompile a jsp that includes the 'pound' character (£),
> jspc.bat generates a .java file which prefixes the 'pound' character with an
> 'A-circumflex' character (Â).  This happens consistently, despite using very
> minimal jsp content.
> E.g. the following jsp code:
>         <html>
>                 <body>
>                         £
>                 </body>
>         </html>
> ... produces:
>         out.write("<html>\r\n<body>\r\n£\r\n\r\n</body>\r\n</html>");
> Just in case it's relevant, I called jsp with the following parameters:
> C:\Tomcat_Home\bin\jspc.bat -d C:\temp\jspctest -p jsp -webinc
> C:\temp\Jsp_Home\WEB-INF\theXML.xml -webapp C:\temp\Jsp_Home
> Please help!
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