On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 13:50, Triptpal Singh Lamba wrote:
> This has taken too long so someone pls see if you can help me.
> My form in index.jsp says
> <form method="post" name=indexForm action="servlet/com.osp.servlet.Router" >
> If index.jsp can find the servlet ,my job is done.
> My web.xml has defined this in WEB-INF
> webapps/osp                      // context  = osp
> in osp I have a WEB-INF which has web.xml with only this entry
> <servlet>
>   <servlet-name>Router</servlet-name>
>   <servlet-class>com.osp.servlet.Router</servlet-class>
>     <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
> </servlet>
> index.jsp is coming up , server.xml has the context entry.
> What should the action be changed to ??????????

Looks like the idex.jsp should be changed to:

<form method="post" name=indexForm action="servlet/Router" >
You might also need to add a '/' in front of 'servlet', depending on how
you set up your server.xml.

The '<servlet-name>' directive tells Tomcat what alias to give to the
'<servlet-class>'. You could do the full path, but looks better to the
client to use the alias.

Ben Ricker

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