I'd like for a request to "<webapp>/en/Folder/File" to be
sent to "<webapp>/Folder/File" but with a parameter 'lang'
 set to 'en'. 

Likewise, a request to "<webapp>/fr/Folder/File" to be 
sent to "<webapp>/Folder/File" but with a parameter 'lang' 
set to 'fr'.

Is this possible with Filters?

If not, is there any way to accomplish this within Tomcat 
so that it works for any number of directories and 
subdirectories. The reason I want to do this is to avoid 
copying/pasting an entire sitemap to support a 
second language - I know that some people create a site 
in English then copy/paste the directory tree into another
directory (eg. '/fr', '/de/', '/cn/') to support a
 second language but this is not scalable and difficult to 
maintain. How do you circumvent doing such things ? 

Other mechanisms I've looked at are Apache rewrite rules 
but they're very complicated and I'd also like to make this
work independent of Apache, and preferably for all servlet


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