Problem with running Tomcat using VeriSign trial certificate.
Can anyone please help me with this problem? Have searched for hours,
but can't find any sollutions...
I'm running:
Windows 2000
JDK 1.3
JSSE 1.0.3
Tomcat 3.2.3
Have done:
- Created self-signed certificate using keytool, OK.
- Tomcat SSL setup, running with self-signed certificate, OK.
- Created the CSR and sent it to VeriSign, OK.
- Imported the trial certificate from VeriSign using 'keytool -import
-alias tomcat -keystore verisign -file tomcat.cer'
  Have also tried to change keystore name and password.
Tomcat error message: Unrecognized SSL handshake.
My connector parameters in server.xml:
<Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
  <Parameter name="handler"
  <Parameter name="port" value="443"/>
  <Parameter name="socketFactory"
value="" />
  <Parameter name="keystore" value="c:/documents and
settings/localhost/verisign" />
  <Parameter name="keypass" value="changeit" />
  <Parameter name="secure" value="true" />
  <Parameter name="clientauth" value="true" />
Have tried to change secure and clientauth parameters without success.
Any ideas???
Morten Tollefsen 
Integrasjonssystemer AS 
33036066 / 97178250 

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