What I do is to use the Proxy Feature, I think a lot of others
use a mod_ but Proxy takes 2 lines in your httpd.conf

ProxyPass /equiv        http://insider:8080/equiv
ProxyPassReverse /equiv http://insider:8080/equiv

replace insider with the host that has your tomcat.
If it's on the same host, localhost will work.

xxx.mydomain.org/equiv is mapped internally to the tomcat (8080) on localhost

At 04:59 AM 11/27/02, you wrote:
>I have recently installed Tomcat 3.3.1 along with Apache.  The two are
>working well together, and I have no complaints except that my Apache
>pages all have the xxx.mydomain.org/ structure while my Tomcat pages are
>isolated and appear under the xxx.mydomain.org:8080/ structure.  Is
>there a way to get Tomcat to respond to port 80 requests or some other
>mechanism for removing the port number from appearing to users???

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