> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 1:53 PM
> On Sun, 8 Dec 2002, Dave Ford wrote:
> > Rick, I was reading your discussion with Craig McClanahan 
> and I agree 
> > with you - that a web app should be able to access classes 
> outside the 
> > tomcat folder. Copying class into catalina/shared for each 
> build is a 
> > pain (even with ant). Symlinks won't work on windows. Why couldn't 
> > tomcat add an entry into server.xml, to point to extra 
> class location? 
> > Orion has had this for a few years now.
> Before Tomcat went to the current policy of ignoring the 
> CLASSPATH variable (i.e. Tomcat 3.2), class path editing and 
> understanding problems were the #2 most popular issue on 
> TOMCAT-USER, because a very large percentage of newbies had 
> real problems with them.  (What's #1?  it remains problems 
> configuring the web server connector.)
> The current policy is straightforward and easy to understand, 
> and that whole class of problems has basically vanished.  
> That tells me the choice to be hard nosed was a good one.

Well, it's like saying that by banning all cars on the freeway we've done
away with traffic jams.  Yeah, you have, and that's pretty straightforward,
but you've also really curtailed the options available.  I understand why
that was done, but it really cuts into the reusability of code libraries.  I
don't like having to copy our own libraries and 3rd party libraries into
every installation of every web app that we create.  And we create a number
of them, meaning that you're really asking for version problems to bite you
in the rear.

> > > * Mung around with the batch files and add the required 
> directories 
> > > to the classpath for Tomcat.
> >
> > How exactly did you do this? What batch file?
> The standard startup script ($CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh or
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.bat) delegate to a separate 
> script (setclaspath.sh or setclasspath.bat) to set up the 
> system CLASSPATh and other related variables.  You can 
> customize this as needed, but you're on your own for figuring 
> out class loader hierarchy problems, as well as things like 
> running out of environment space on Win98.

If you look in catalina.bat (I'd imagine it's similar on *nix, but I'm not
sure), there's a line near the end (in my 4.0 installation, it's line 173)
that reads:

rem Execute Java with the applicable properties

Right before that, you can set your classpath there.  You can go ahead and
add "C:\Program Files\MyLibs\Shared\mylib.jar" there and so on (I had some
trouble trying to use jar file that contained a manifest instead of directly
adding the various libraries contained in the manifest; YMMV, and I didn't
try to figure out if the problem was related to the manifest or some other
environmental issue, since everything was kinda screwed up at that
particular time).

There's another alternative, though, which is to set the various Java
options in the service configuration.  This requires you to install Tomcat
as a service and for obvious reasons is only valid on Windows (I haven't
done this with Win98-type consumer systems, so don't blame me if it breaks
there ;^).  If you've already installed Tomcat and didn't install as a
service, you can go ahead and just reinstall.  Just make sure you back up
modified conf and script files.

Once you have Tomcat installed as a service, find the service config keys
for the JVM parameters.  Where these are located depends on whether you have
4.0 or 4.1 installed:

4.0: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Apache
4.1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Apache Tomcat

There are generally 3 or 4 values here that you're concerned with.  The most
important is the DWORD value "JVM Option Count."  This tells the service on
start-up how many options there are to pass to the JVM.  The next ones are
"JVM Option Number 0," "JVM Option Number 1," and so on.  For 4.0 there are
by default (I think this is pretty close):

JVM Option Count: 2
JVM Option Number 0:
JVM Option Number 1: -Dcatalina.home=d:\tools\jakarta-tomcat

Of course this changes based on your CATALINA_HOME....

So I just add all my classpath entries to the "JVM Option Number 0" setting
and add other JVM options as I need them, e.g. I have "JVM Option Number 2"
set to "-Djava.library.path=c:\ourprod\bin;c:\ourprod\3rdparty\bin;" to
support the native code libraries for the product that I work on.  I also
have some debug flags set and other things like that.

This works like a charm for me.  It's also nice since I have staging and
test servers that run remotely in California (I'm in Colorado).  Since this
is set up as a system service, I don't have to log in thru Terminal
Services, start a session, start the catalina script, then disconnect the
session.  Instead, when I reboot the machine, the service comes up without
any muss or fuss.

One thing to be aware of though: if you use network-mounted drives (for
example, one of the products I work on uses a shared folder called
"D:\ThisProd," which is always mapped to T:\ for the build scripts and what
not), the system parameters must be configured with the *physical* address,
not the network mount.  This is because the network drives aren't connected
until you log in.  Since this starts up before the login, those drives are
unavailable.  So when I want to use the thisprod.jar that comes in our
development repository, I have to set the classpath to
d:\OurCompany\ThisProd\Shared\thisprod.jar instead of

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