I have a server with Apache 2.0.44 and Tomcat 4.1.18
working jointly, through mod_jk.so, accordingly
documented in John Turner HowTo ("Apache 2.0.43 + Tomcat 4.1.12 + mod_jk").
All accomplished the tests after the installation and when typing the
url http://admged.ufu.br/examples verified that the configuration
it was correct, because the Apache is working correctly and
JSP and servlets requests are being passed to tomcat.
However, I am not getting to close the configuration of the
virtual host for you ally him www.admged.ufu.br in what is said
I respect Tomcat.
The virtual host in the Apache is configured as having shown


    DocumentRoot /web/admged
    ServerName www.admged.ufu.br

My directory tree is the following:

|-- admged
    |-- WEB-INF
    |   `-- classes
    `-- logs


/web -> point of assembly of my directory tree
  admged  -> folder where I will put the files. jsp
        classes -> folder where I will put the classes java

I would like to know how the structure of JkMount would be for the
Virtual Host in the Apache and also the configuration of the contexts
in server.xml
Sebastião Carlos Santos
Oracle Database Administrator
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
Gratificação de Estímulo à Docência - GED

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