I will redo the configuration of the Apache with the tomcat, this time not 
using mod_jk.conf generated automatically.
        I thank for the the help and released attention

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On 23/01/2003 at 13:22 Lajos Moczar wrote:

>E-mail Premium BOL
>Antivírus, anti-spam e até 100 MB de espaço. Assine já!
>Yup, you can do that, and then manually put the JkMount commands where
>you need them. However, I always find it more intuitive and readable to
>have all commands directly in httpd.conf. Personally, I hate the
>auto-generated mod_jk.conf because almost all Tomcat installations I
>have done required some sort of manual adjustment - like the mod_jk.dll
>path problem mentioned earlier today, or virtual host issues.
>Sebastião Carlos Santos wrote:
>> Without problem. Everything is well.
>> In case I have configured Tomcat to generate mod_jk.conf automatically
>the configuration will change? Best saying, I just used Include /
>path/to/mod_jk.conf in httpd.conf instead of LoadModule, AddModule and
>> Sebastião Carlos Santos
>> Oracle Database Administrator
>> Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
>> Gratificação de Estímulo à Docência - GED
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Sebastião Carlos Santos
Oracle Database Administrator
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
Gratificação de Estímulo à Docência - GED

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