hello all

We have finished a large project which was based on Tomcat and Struts farmework. 
Now our client wants to use SSL.

Our architecture is as follows:

Client    <-ssl content->    Apache (MOD_SLL)  <-unencrypted content->   Tomcat 

We use Tomcat 4.1.18 (have tried also 4.0) and Apache HTTP server 1.3.27. SSL support 
is installed in Apache, and it uses mod_proxy (NOT mod_jk) to talk to Tomcat.  

It doesnt work very well , if I go to https:// and login succesfully, IE shows a 
warning message "you are gonna be redirected to a non-secure connection" and it goes 
back to http://

I have tried Tomcat+SSL without Apache HTTP server  and all worked perfectly.

Also I am not sure that mod_proxy (with ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse in httpd.conf 
is enough,  or should we use mod_jk ?

Does anybody have some ideas how to solve it ?

Maris Orbidans
app. architect

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