
Please could anyone point why my setup is malfunctioning? Description as follows.
Thanks everyone in advance.


I am trying to run the servlet samples that came with Xalan, but none of them has given any positive result so far.

The setup:

WinXP Pro, Java SDK 1.3 from IBM, Tomcat 4.1.18 (the full version), and Xalan-J 2.4.1
I have enabled the Invoker Servlet, and Root Context on Tomcat, turned on Servlet Reloading, and set the Java_Home path, the casspaths for the .jar files that came with Xalan, and the servlet.jar file that came with Tomcat (and the current dir (.) and my development dir as well.)

I have succesfully tested the setup with a few simple servlets, including ones that use packages and utilities.

The webapp:

I have created a directory called testapp1, which includes all the dirs, that the Root has, plus a classes and lib directory in Web-inf.
I have placed the .jar files that came with Xalan in the lib dir within testapp1/WEB-INF, compiled the sample java files, and put them in the classes dir. The xml, and xsl sample files went into the testapp1 root dir.

The errors:

I am getting all kinds of error messages. The SimpleXSLTServlet gives an FileNotFoundException: trax.xml error, even though I have changed, and recomplid, and updated the java code, and class and it does not even has the term 'trax.xml' in it !!

For the UseStylesheetParamServlet sample I am getting: java.lang.VerifyError: Class org/apache/xerces/impl/XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl$NSContentDispatcher is subclass of final class org/apache/xerces/impl/XMLDocumentScannerImpl$ContentDispatcher
etc. etc.

I have went through the maillist archives, goolge, ask.com, but I could not resolve the errors. I have practically zero knowledge of Java, I just want to use the Xalan samples to do simple transforms, and queries for my friends weblog. The samples would more that adequate for the job.

Thanks for the help and your time,


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