Hi Haytham,
  I am pretty new to Tomcat myself but I think this will help you. 
Modify your setclasspath.bat file in your %TOMCAT%\bin dir to have 
your files added to the CLASSPATH env variable. In this case as long as the 
sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader class loader is called to load the files
(which I am pretty sure it will be called) your classes can be loaded from 
whichever location you like.

 I hope that helps. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Haytham Samad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 1:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Web App Classloader..How?

I have a question regarding how the web application loader works.
Especially when my application is not deployed under <tomcat home>/webapps
in Tomcat 4.1.x.

This is the situation.  Tomcat is installed on drive "C:" on the server and
I have my application deployed on drive D.  This is the a requirement.  In
my application, I have 2 jsp's that are under WEB-INF\jsp.  They can only be
accessed through forwards from other resources on the server.  In these
jsp's, I make use of classes that are under WEB-INF\classes in my
application.  Now, when the jsp compiler attempts to compile the jsp's
(create servlet classes and then compile them) how does it know where to
look for the classes.  I would like to know how that works and how I can
control it (change the class loading behavior) to help with the following

When I hit one of the jsp's, I get a compilation error saying that the
calsses I imported and attempted to use in my jsp cannot be found?  It also
shows that it is looking under a directory that is under the C drive and not
under my application's WEB-INF\classes directory.

I have the server.xml configuration as follows:

        <Context path="/MyApp" docBase="D:\Webfiles\TomcatApps\MyApp"
                <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                        prefix="MyApp" timestamp="true" />

I am using STRUTS, but that should not be a big deal since I have the jsp's
mapped correctly.  This all works fine when I deploy under <Tomcat
Home>\webapps.  It is just when I deploy as described above (production
deployment) does this happen.  I would appreciate any direction on this and
if possible some good description (or a pointer to where I can find one) as
to how to control the class loader.

Another option I tried was compiling the jsp's and loading them up compiled
in org/apache/jsp.  This worked but with frequent updates to the site and
more jsp's, this will become a hassle.  Thanks for the help.


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