Hi Haytham,
  I dont think Tomcat will allow you to load classes from any directory
below the 
%TOMCAT% home dir. If it does then it would be a great security concern..by
the classpath env variable it is the java classloader that is loading the
files for 
you and not the apache classloaders..
  Yoav, I think the WAR files need to be installed in the webapps folder in
for tomcat to install them..


-----Original Message-----
From: Haytham Samad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 3:37 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Web App Classloader..How?


I was deploying using WARs with an ant task.  Pretty cool.  But when I move
the files to the directory I am deploying in, it does not open the WAR.  So
now I am unpacking the war in that directory.  This deploy is not in
webapps!!  Or is there a way to make Tomcat open up WAR files in virtual
directories?  Another thing, the issue is not the deploy format!?  The issue
with this deployment is the classpath and class loading when my jsp pages
are compiled.  Unless, you mean that just packing my app in a WAR will take
care of this issue even if I am not deploying in tomcat's webapps directory?
Not sure this is the case though...


-----Original Message-----
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Web App Classloader..How?


>The configuration should allow me to enter the context in server.xml
and be
>able to update my code under my application context (on the other
>without having to touch anything in the Tomcat installation.  Any

Here's an idea that can be summarized in three letters: WAR.  Package
and deploy your application as a war file.  No symlinks, not shortcuts,
no messing around with setclasspath or other variations of the
environment $CLASSPATH variable.

Write an ant task that builds, packages, and deploys your application.
It's trivial to write these ant tasks, and they execute very quickly.

The end result will be a portable, self-contained web application.  It
will go along with the letter and the spirit of the specification.  It
will save you, your coworkers, your server administrators, and your
customers many headaches.  You will not have to touch anything in the
tomcat installation.  You will not have to repeat many configuration
steps for every server, and every new version of every server, every
time you want to deploy from scratch.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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