I already tried to remove those libs from WEB-INF/lib to CATALINA_HOME/common/lib or 
CATALINA_HOME/lib, but all the classes in WEB-INF/classes that were coded by another 
developpers didn't worked any more !

> Put it in CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed or common/lib.  You aren't supposed 
> to put endorsed packages such as javax.* and org.w3c.* in WEB-INF/lib.  It 
> causes all sorts of problems and violates the Sun classloading spec which 
> Tomcat, as of 4.0.2, enforces.
> Jake
> At 10:11 AM 2/3/2003 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm working with TC 4.0.3. In the WEB-INF/lib directory, I've got 2 
> >libraries : xerces.jar (I think it's an old Xerces, I didn't put myself 
> >there : someone else need it) and xercesImpl.jar (a newer version of xerces).
> >I coded a class that need xerces2, but when I launch it (via a servlet) in 
> >my Tomcat, it throws a NoSuchMethoError cause it doesn't take the good jar !
> >How can I "force" TC to take the new librairy ?
> >
> >Thanx in advance
> >
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