> Or maybe he is using  the old Xerces (1.4.4) with the new Xerces(2.x). 
> They have make huge changes between the 2 versions and backward 
> compatibility is no longer supported (Xerces 1.4.4 doesn't fully 
> supports JAXP, Xerces 2.x does). They probably use a public API, but not 
> the JAXP one. You will have to stick with that version or ask other app 
> to update to Xerces 2.x :-(

I thought the same thing... last week, ant I tried ti update myself the olds apps 
(because the developpers have gone), but I lost too time...

> Also, the classloader will not properly load the second jar since it 
> doesn't load a class that is in memory. Since your 2 xerces share some 
> base classes, that's probably why it doesn't work.
That's exactly the problem : when I try to access to new methods in xerces2, I get an 
exception. So why does Tomcat load the older librairy before the newer ? Does it know 
which one is the old ?

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