Hi all :) I'm not sure if this is technically off topic, but just in case I
threw in the [OT]...

I have a dilemma at hand.  I have a team that wishes to include me in on a
project that they are working on.  This project consists of hosting a secure
site that contains a "gazillion" forms for people to fill out, then write
the responses back to a mySQL database, as well as build an admin section
for querying the database.

Seeing as how I am going to be doing the web dev part, while the others deal
with the complex database structure and project management tasks, I am
trying to sell them on using JSP/Tomcat.  They are insisting on using CGI
scripts, which I personally feel is too fundamental for the task at hand.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to getting stats to back up my
claim that JSP is the better choice?  Or if anyone can tell me why CGI would
be the better choice then I'm all ears...

Thanks in advance!!!

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