Hi C. Davies -

I can't help you with mod_webapp, which I avoid like the plague, but it would certainly work with mod_jk. Each Apache <VirtualHost> block should contain a JkMount something like this:

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

which means that any page ending in *.jsp will be passed to Tomcat. Then, in Tomcat, you can have one <Host> tag, with its docBase pointing to /www, and two <Context>s - "cust1" and "cust2".




I had a problem with getting Apache and Tomcat to share the same document root
cleanly, with Apache serving requests that were outside Tomcat's perview (e.g.
static pages, PHP).

Essentially, I have a system with Apache2 doing name based vhosting, with a tree
that looks something like this:

DocumentRoot -> /www
Customer1 DocumentRoot -> /www/cust1
Customer2 DocumentRoot -> /www/cust2

and I wanted each customer to be able to place a JSP page anywhere in their
portion of the tree and have Apache pass the request to Tomcat. I only wanted a
single instance of Tomcat running at one time.

My question is, is this possible to do with mod_jk?

My current solution is to use mod_webapp, which I hacked up to be a little more
selective, so I have for each vhost an entry like this in httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot /www/custX
    ServerName foo.bar.baz:80
    WebAppDeploy custX warpConnection /

But have mod_webapp return(DECLINED) if the request uri doesn't end in .jsp.
Is this the best way to do it, and if so should I formalize it into a patch
against the latest mod_webapp, with a new configuration directive?

Sorry for the rambling nature of my question, and thanks in advance,

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