Have a peek at pushlet technology. Sounds like it's geared toward what you're looking for:


At 2/11/2003 12:08 PM, you wrote:

I'm sorry to bring this up again, but I'm just not
seeing clearly and maybe someone here could help.

I need to write an application that displays in a web
browser some data that will change from second to
second. I have to use java in some form. I'm tied to
the jtapi packages.

I thought that jsp would be a good way to go, but I
find that I'm limited in that jsp provides no way to
refresh what is on the screen in a near real-time
fashion. Past answers on this newsgroup have suggested
the meta refresh tag, or using hidden frames and
javascript to do periodic refreshes.

I though maybe an applet would suit my needs, but it
needs to access data on remote hosts. Doesn't the
applet security prevent this?

There has to be a good way to accomplish this using
java and I was hoping I could do I with jsp somehow.
Does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions?


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