> From: "Turner, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:26 PM
> Subject: RE: java/jsp & dynamic data

> That looks REALLY interesting...thanks for the pointer.

Yeah, this does look interesting. I happen to be neck deep on something like
this (it's next on my stack).

I had planned on doing the "automatic refresh" style, rather than the
constant pushing of the data.

The reason I decided on this technique was simply timer resolution. Since I
can (ideally) get a refresh of 1/sec, the question was whether that was a
fine enough resolution. For me, I decided it was. Also, I don't have to
worry about losing the connection or restarting the task (like when they hit
the Reload button).

The hard part, IMHO, is getting the Long Task to be asynchronous, and report
back the "almost done" status.

Since my app is backed up by a J2EE server, I'm, technically, not allowed to
use threads. We have a "Cron-like" process outside of the server, but it's
resolution is pretty coarse (every few minutes), so I need something else.
I'm debating on trying JMS, but then I need to have several JMS clients
waiting for requests so I don't serialize the processing. And, we're not
running J2EE 2.0 yet, so I can't using a MessageBean. Bother.

So, for me, the display part is easy. A simple
http://myapp.com/status?processid=12345 can return a simple populated form
by querying the DB for the Latest Update in a hidden frame. The back end is
the Hard Part.

(all hints, tips, suggestions, notions of support, as well as simple cash
donations are appreciated :-))


Will Hartung

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