Now, is this really urgent?
I'll see if I can help. I'd point you to the tomcat/webapps/examples directory. These are some examples that come with tomcat. You'll find a WEB-INF directory there with a web.xml file within. This is what maps URLs to actual servlet classes. You can create your own directory under webapps and make your own WEB-INF/web.xml there. Follow the directory structure shown in the other web apps that come with tomcat. Under WEB-INF you can have classes (for your class files), and lib (for jars your app might need, such as your JDBC driver). You can put your development directories anywhere you like. Your build process (make, ant, etc.) should put the class files into your webapp directory.
Instead of creating your directory under tomcat/webapps, you could put it elsewhere (in your own development tree) and edit the server.xml file (in tomcat/conf), to add your own context. Again, follow the examples. You'll need to change the docBase to point to where your web app lives.


zafar ahsan wrote:

I have already installed tomcat and its working .
ok now can anyone help me how should i move now, i mean i have written a servlet with jdbc(oracle thin layer) and its compiling without error. Now where should i put it and also whats the best way to organise my application.
pls help me with an example,
where i have to create a directory for my application development and deployment.and whats r the steps that i should follow now.Would be pleased to know all about it if anyone can have little time for me.
thank u.

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