Point your Apache DocumentRoot to the same directory the you set in the appBase attribute of your <Host> in server.xml. Then, make sure your JkMount commands (if you are using mod_jk, that is) are specific to the content you want Tomcat to serve, so that Apache will pick up the rest.



Duma Rolando wrote:
1)How to configure apache to serve static content placed inside a webapp
2)Does this configuration depends on the "paths" used inside my jsp(i.e.
does it works if i use relative paths for the images)?
3)If it depends also on connector used, is the warp connector ok?
4)Is the keepalive directive useful for a correct apache configuration?

Sorry if i ask so many questions but the problem is only one: how to deploy
a webapp with all the static content but lave apache to serve this.
Thanks in advance.

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                   Lajos Moczar
    Open Source Support, Consulting and Training
            Cocoon Developer's Handbook

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