I set up one JNDI/DBCP connection pool to one MySQL db following the JNDI
DataSources HOW-TO with seemingly no problems.  I needed to add a second
MySQL running on the same machine under the same MySQL server (my W2K
development machine).  I followed the exact same steps, only the db name and
URL are different.  The username/pwd are the same between the two, though
the privileges are a little different. The second db has a separate
connection pool class, so there's one pool instantiated for each db in the
application scope for the web app.

Attempts to connect to the 2nd db don't go through.  I replaced the
"getConnection()" call with a hard-coded DriverManager approach and it
worked, so I think that narrows it to the Tomcat config.  Watching the
process under the "process" tab of WinMySQLadmin, refreshing constantly,
seems to indicate there's a failing logon loop after a JSP attempts to get a
connection.  It seems to be infinite--I haven't waited for it to timeout.

Is there some config pitfall or instruction I missed for multiple database

Thanks for your help,

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