Good evening All.
I have a few questions re the configuration and operation of mod_jk2 that I hope some 
better informed user may be able to answer.

1. The documentation describes setting parameters in the httpd.conf file using JkSet, 
and I have had success with worker parameters, but trying to set something like the 
config file keeps eluding me. The 'object' name usually comes from the section head 
[config], and since there is no local component name one expects the setting would be:
   JkSet  config.file conf/<filename>
However when I start apache2 the following error is generated depending on the form 

[Fri Jun 06 20:08:31 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config:file 
[Fri Jun 06 20:17:55 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config.file 
[Fri Jun 06 20:43:03 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config:.file 
[Fri Jun 06 20:45:28 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config:file 

Can someone enlighten me please?

2. The documentation indicates all objects have three standard properties, namely 
'disabled', 'debug' and 'version', yet when 'version=0' is included in under, for example, ajp13, mod_jk2 reports it as an unrecognised 
option. Which is correct, the module or the documents?

3. The basic premise of load balancing is understandable but not the method by which 
mod_jk achieves it.  If two workers have the same lb_factor of 1, does that imply 
every second (unique, assuming sticky sessions) request goes to each Tomcat?  ... and 
if the lb_factor is raised to 5 each? 5 to one then 5 the other?
If one Tomcat has an lb_factor of 20 and the other 2, does one do ten times the 'work' 
and if so how is this 'measured'? ...over a period of time, by counters, by preference?

I've read mod_jk2 is still a work in progress but hope the questions might provide at 
least a few ideas for inclusions.
Thanks in advance for any reply,

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