Morgan Pyne wrote:

Hi Jacob^B^B^B^B^BJerome,


Things to verify/try

1. The webserver has successfully authenticated the request, and you can see this
username appearing in the Apache access log. You mention that CGI's and other PHP pages
authenticate correctly, but verify that the URL of your servlet is also being correctly authenticated in this way.

No. No username (in /var/log/httpd/access.log) for the requests to access pages served by my servlets.

If you have multiple location & directory
directives in Apache specifying access controls they can often interact in non-obvious ways.

I just have the defaults directory and location (mostly manuals). I've just added:

- one location for viewcvs (CGI script)
- 2 locations for my servlets (one for examples and one for my other apps)

AFAIK the CGI script work ok.

2. You are using the latest jk2 module version.

I am using mod_jk2 2.0.3-dev which bundled in jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src.tar.gz

Released March 2003

Is that too old? If yes, I've tried to find a nightly, but couldn't. Do I have to use CVS to build something more recent? I'd rather use a nightly.

3. If you are still hitting a brick wall with this, try using mod_jk instead of jk2 as
  a test and see if this makes a difference.

I was trying to avoid that. I've never used mod_jk and that's once again something new. I guess I will have to try that if you think my version of mod_jk2 is current enough.

Good luck!


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