Ivon Gonzalez wrote:
I have set up a few computers with Tomcat on a network and local machines. I am having problems running Tomcat on this particular machine which is on a network. I have moved the servlet.jar file to the java sdk home/jre/lib/ext. I have set up JAVA_HOME to point to my sdk location and the TOMCAT_HOME to the tomcat location. when I run Tomcat by typing tomcat startup or tomcat start it opens a new dos window and closes it immediately. I type in tomcat run and it gives me this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/logging/Logger

What could be causing this error? How do I fix it so that I can run Tomcat on this machine. Could the current network setup interfere?

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I don't think this is the reason for the problem but why are you moving the servlet.jar file.

All the instructions I have ready so far (yes I am still a newbie) say to simply set the classpath to point to where the servlet.jar file is, on a windows machine(and I think unix/linux as well) it should be in %CATALINA_HOME%\common\lib\servlet.jar.

Have you set the environment variables (JAVA_HOME, CATLINA_HOME, CLASSPATH)?

Just though I would add my 2 pennies worth.



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