OK, cool. Solaris 2.6 might be a little iffy for the GNU tools, so you'll probably want to stick with binaries. I had a heck of a time getting mod_jk to build on Solaris 2.7, my guess is it wouldn't be any better with 2.6.

.27 is preferred, but I won't be picky. You can check my Solaris 7 HOWTO for more info if you like:
http://www.johnturner.com/howto (if you've already seen it, my apologies, I loose track of some of these threads sometimes).

After that, you should be able to use one of the binaries that Stephan so kindly announced this morning, at:


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:07:31 -0700, Thomas, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks for being patient so far!

Doing a uname -a on the server gives:

SunOS xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 5.6 Generic_105181-20 sun4u sparc

I've just downloaded 1.3.26 and I'm about to install that. Did have 1.3.6
(not .26).


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