Good evening Nikola.
Best of luck and I will watch your 'thread' with interest.
I asked some technical questions about mod_jk2 a few weeks ago and got
deafened by the silence.

Considering a predominance of questions here are about configuration issues,
it is amazing there seems to be enough time to answer the questions (most
anyway) and yet not enough time to get the docs up to scratch and reduce the
'clutter' here.

Depending on your skills, sometimes wading through the source code can
reveal needed things of use. Another method would be to write up a list of
specific things you want to know rather than seek the 'grail' of
comprehensive mod_jk2 documentation. (The module itself is still 'under
construction' and the  manual is developed from that.)

On the other hand... if it exists, one ought to read it. I know there is a
document in the Tomcat 4 doc set about 'virtual' hosts configuration, which
might get you started at least, and there are a number of documents with the
Apache manual about the topic... If you have read them, ask questions to
clarify what is there, if not,...

AFAIK, basically you need to add multiple <host   /> sections in Tomcat's
server.xml and 'inside' those, nest the required <context /> elements, then
adjust the parameters to suit each host added to keep them unique.... It's a
similar thing at the Apache end; create VirtualHost sections within
httpd.conf, and inside these create <Location > entries, inside which use
'JkUriSet  worker  <workername>'. If you create only one worker in, <workername> can be the same one for all hosts. Create
a channelSocket entry in that points to the Tomcat
machine/port. Aim the <workername> entry at the channelSocket entry and it
ought to be very close to going.

Hi all.

Is there a comprehensive mod_jk2 guide? I'm mostly interested in
comprehensive explanation of the syntax and semantcis of
and files.

The docs coming with TC are confusing and full of holes, to say the least.

Right now, my immediate question would be: how to setup Apache 2.0.46 with
virtual hosts on one machine to map TC (with virtual hosts) on another

For instance:

Apache2: HOST: (also holding
TC 4.1.24: HOST: (also holding

Coyote HTTP/1.1 connector is working on TC and I can browse to (you guys can't, it is on our
Intranet :-)). Now, I would like to map a context "test" from
TC:Host:"" into /my_test/* under "" hosted on

What exactly should I do?

All the examples on the TC-docs make many assumptions or, shall we say, skip
a lot of "explanation teritory".

Also, I've done this (almost) with mod_webapp and it makes sense to monkey
around with VHosts under TC - each Apache VHost maps to the corresponding TC
VHost, defined under WARP engine. Does it make sense when using JK1/2? Can I
map a context defined under one VHost on TC under totally different VHost on
Apache? Is there something special in the syntax of in
such case?


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