>The docs coming with TC are confusing and full of holes, to say the least.

Yes. The mod_jk and tc docs are far from great. I've spent a few days
setting it up on a server and I'm disappointed to find it has the same sort
of complexity and confusion as mod_perl :-(.

>Right now, my immediate question would be: how to setup Apache 2.0.46 with
virtual hosts on one >machine to map TC (with virtual hosts) on another

First of all, mod_jk must be loaded in the main apache config, not a virtual
host config.
Second, there can ONLY BE ONE JkWorkersFile config statement. I didn't see
this documented anywhere but extensive testing shows that it's true. So, you
can't have different workers.properties for different apache virtual hosts.
Instead, you must have the JkWorkersFile in the main apache config, and the
workers.properties will have to include all the information you need for
each virtual host. The workers.properties can define worker threads that
reside on the other machine that runs tomcat, but the file itself must be on
the apache machine. The worker.workername.host in each thread should be
different for the different hostnames of the tomcat virtual hosts.

Next, set up the virtual servers in apache. These can contain JkLogFile,
JkLogLevel and JkMount directives. I've not tried other directives.

If you don't get anywhere with tomcat virtual hosts, you can just run
multiple tomcat instances with each instance using different ports. This has
a similar effect.


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