I currently have a JSP with an APPLET tag (including EMBED and OBJECT references) which runs a JAR file located on my server.  The program runs fine but because the APPLET is run by the Java plug-in whenever it needs to read or write data it attempts to read or write the data from or on the client machine, which is clearly inappropriate.  I do not want to use servlets as I would like to distribute the APPLET and program when I have finished and do not want to assume servlet support.
The jar file first program is a JApplet and this creates a JFrame using a normal class file.  All other programs are normal classes (i.e. non-applets).  I want to use the graphics environments on the client machine as my own web server does not have an installed graphics environment.
I have been investigating URLConnections, Sockets, Proxy Servers and RMI and have been left feeling confused as I am unclear which is the best approach and all seem very complicated to overcome what seems to be a simple problem.  Furthermore, all examples seem to use a single text file whereas I want to default all IO to the server rather than the client.  Does anyone know a solution for this problem?
Susan Hoddinott



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