Thanks a lot .that is really useful.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Pavan Kumar Basa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   08 July 2003 14:06
To:     Tomcat Users List
Subject:        Re: Tomcat on windows 98

Hello sirnivas, i am sending it again
  1.. Install the JDK. Make sure you have JDK 1.3 or 1.4 installed and your
PATH set so that both "java -version" and "javac -help" give a result.
  2.. Configure Tomcat.
  3.. Download the software. Go to and download
and unpack the zip file for the latest version (4.1.24 as of last revision
of this page).
  4.. Enable the ROOT context. Edit install_dir/conf/server.xml and
uncomment this line: <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>. Not
necessary in Tomcat 4.0.3 and earlier. In Tomcat 5.0.3, the element is
missing the trailing slash and you need to add it.
  5.. Enable the invoker servlet. Go to install_dir/conf/web.xml and
uncomment the servlet-mapping element that maps the invoker servlet to
/servlet/*. Not necessary prior to Tomcat 4.1.12.
  6.. Change the port to 80. Edit install_dir/conf/server.xml and change the
port attribute of the Connector element from 8080 to 80.
  7.. Turn on servlet reloading. Edit install_dir/conf/server.xml and add a
DefaultContext subelement to the main Service element and supply true for
the reloadable attribute.
  8.. Set the JAVA_HOME variable. Set it to refer to the base JDK directory,
not the bin subdirectory.
  9.. Change the DOS memory settings. If you get an "Out of Environment
Space" error message when you start the server, right-click on
install_dir/bin/startup.bat, select Properties, select Memory, and change
the Initial Environment entry from Auto to at least 2816. Repeat the process
for install_dir/bin/shutdown.bat.
  10.. Set the CATALINA_HOME variable. Optionally, set CATALINA_HOME to
refer to the top-level Tomcat installation directory.
  11.. Test the server.
  12.. Verify that you can start the server. Double-click
install_dir/bin/startup.bat and try accessing http://localhost/.
  13.. Check that you can access your own HTML & JSP pages. Drop some simple
HTML and JSP pages into install_dir/webapps/ROOT and access them with
  14.. Set up your development environment.
  15.. Create a development directory. Put it anywhere except within the
Tomcat installation hierarchy.
  16.. Make shortcuts to the Tomcat startup & shutdown Scripts. Put
shortcuts to install_dir/bin/startup.bat and install_dir/bin/shutdown.bat in
your development directory and/or on your desktop.
  17.. Set your CLASSPATH. Include the current directory ("."),
install_dir/common/lib/servlet.jar, and the main development directory.
  18.. Bookmark the servlet & JSP javadocs. Add
install_dir/webapps/tomcat-docs/servletapi/index.html to your
bookmarks/favorites list.
  19.. Compile and test some simple servlets.
  20.. Test a packageless servlet. Compile a simple servlet, put the .class
file in install_dir/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes, and access it with
  21.. Test a servlet that uses packages. Compile the servlet, put the
.class file in install_dir/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/packageName, and
access it with http://localhost/servlet/packageName.ServletName.
  22.. Test a servlet that uses packages and utility classes. Follow the
same procedure as the second step above. This third step verifies that the
CLASSPATH includes the top level of your development directory.
  23.. Establish a simplified deployment method.
  24.. Copy to a shortcut. Make a shortcut to install_dir/webapps/ROOT. Copy
packageless .class files directly there. With packages, copy the entire
directory there.
  25.. Use the -d option of javac. Use -d to tell Java where the deployment
directory is.
  26.. Let your IDE take care of deployment. Tell your IDE where the
deployment directory is and let it copy the necessary files.
  27.. Use ant or a similar tool. Use the Apache make-like tool to automate
copying of files.

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