The simplest solution is to enable the SingleSignOnValve.  This allows any
login to any Context to be passes to any other Context.  If this doesn't
meet your needs, then you can:
1) Write a custom Valve to pickup the User.
2) Write a custom Authenticator that knows how to pickup the User.

"Dinh, Chinh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a question about WEBDAV and How authenticate works.
> If i have this in web.xml
> <login-config>
>       <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
>       <realm-name>MyCustomRealm</realm-name>
> </login-config>
> It will get an Popup Log in dialog, and it will invoke my realm's
> authenticate() method, with username and password being entered by
> the user.
> However, I do not want the log in dialog to pop up in all cases.
> There's a case that the user is already authenticated BEFORE he tries
> to run the webdav servlet, and in this case, he wants to bypass the
> log in dialog.
> Do you know How to pass in the Authenticator class some information
> so that it doesn't need to invoke the login dialog if the user is already
> authenticated ? What information would the authenticator need ?
> Thanks.
> - Chinh
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