I believe that is the same thing I'm trying to do (did) with IIS and Tomcat.
I don't believe it is a bug. It is just the way the isapi_redirector.dll is
written. Windows registry settings specifies where _the_ workers.properties
file is located as well as where the uriworkermap.properties is located.
Each IIS website is configured in IIS's Management Application to use the
ISAPI filter (isapi_redirector.dll) and a virtual directory is defined in
IIS as well under each web site to the directory where the
isapi_redirector.dll file is located. Since the mapping to webapps is
controlled by the uriworkermap.properties file and only one can be specified
in the registry settings, there is no way in IIS or via the ISAPI filter to
control the access.

This must not be a common thing at all as you said because I also checked
three books on Tomcat. Professional Apache Tomcat was the closest to cover
this at all but none of them specifically addressed this configuration.
However, my customer wants to have one computer running IIS to be accessible
to the Internet. So, that is what I have make it work with this


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Logfile for isapi_redirector2.dll?

> Sounds like a bug in isapi_redirector to me, or perhaps its a problem
> with the way IIS handles virtual hosts.  Or maybe I don't understand
> what you want to do.  In Apache, I setup one virtual host = one webapp.
> hostA = appA
> hostB = appB
> With mod_jk (essentially isapi_redirector), appB is never available to
> hostA, and appA is never available to hostB.  A 404 results if I try:
> http://www.hostA.com/appB
> John
> Nathan Ward wrote:
> > I don't mean to complain. I'm sure there are good reasons as you have
> > mentioned why I haven't gotten more replies. I was trying to emphasize
> > I did appreciate the response in this case even though Ken didn't have
> > new info to offer.
> >
> > That said, I also asked what I thought were pretty simple questions
about jk
> > (isapi_redirector) like: Can I control what Tomcat webapps two virtual
> > (IIS web sites) can access? If not, how can I allow one IIS web site to
> > access one webapp and another IIS web site access another but not both?
Am I
> > really the first one to have to do this or the first one that
> > here? I guess so.
> >
> > That's OK though. It took me four days to figure out a solution, but I
> > learn a lot. I created a new valve that allows me to allow/deny access
> > server name (i.e. request.getServerName). Very similar to the
> > RemoteHostValve.
> >
> > So, the answer that was basically that the ISAPI filter maps from IIS to
> > Tomcat -- no other control provided by the filter. If you need more
> > control, use filters. I'm thinking that I'll submit my valve to be added
> > the Tomcat baseline. I suppose that the lack of response to my questions
> > suggests that no one here knew that or at least no one that read my
> > knew that. Maybe my subject lines didn't catch the right person's eye.
> > not bothered by it, but I am curious why I didn't get more replies.
> >
> >    Nathan
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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