
It's about sessions who "disappear" from one servlet to another.
I know that this has been discussed, but from what I have read
there was no good solution to this problem.
Here it goes:
I have apache 1.3.27 + mod_jk2 + tomcat 4.1.24. - on linux
I have one tomcat process runninng, one application, one context.

I have a servlet that in his doGet method works a little on the parameters
and then
response.sendredirect [ or dispatcher.forward - in this situation both have
the same effects] to another servlet.
I set some attributes in the first servlet and they disappear in the second
servlet - in fact the session is null
[I use request.getSession(false)].

After I read many messages on this subject, I tried to use
and it worked. BUT, in this second servlet I have other links to other
servlets. When I clicked on them, in the next servlets the session was gone

Another trial was that I put it all on another linux, to a friend on my LAN.
He has apache 2.0.4x + mod_jk2 + tomcat 4.1.24.
It worked perfectly. - Also I noticed there was no need for

Then I installed tomcat 4.1.18 on my original linux, and also it worked in
the combination
I have apache 1.3.27 + mod_jk2 + tomcat 4.1.18. - on linux

So, I am sure that NO SERVLET OF MINE was to blame but the configurations of
the servers.

Can anybody tell me what configuration directive can be to blame for such
problems [in all the servers Apache, Linux, ...] ?

At what directives should I look in httpd.conf and server.xml?

Thank you in advance

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