
I have encountered a bad problem with tomcat5.
I am using a the following environment: winXP, eclipse2.1.1, myeclipse2.5
and tomcat5.0.4.
My XP is in spanish, but in the control panel I have my regional
configuration settings to English(Usa), that is decimal symbol (.). It seems
that when myclipse launches tomcat, it does not honor my configuration for
the decimal symbol (well maybe more, but that's the one I am concerned
about), and my webapp displays numbers with the spanish layout: 56,7 etc
instead of 56.7.

If I run tomcat standalone, with the standard link that comes with tomcat
(c:\Tomcat5.0.4\bin\tomcatw.exe //GT//Tomcat5), and the webapp  deployed by
myeclise, the configuration is ok, that is, I get 56.7. So it seems
myeclipse and the standalone tomcat do not start exactly in the same way.

I have asked at myeclipse support and they say this is the way they launch
JVM Args:
Launch class:
Program Args:

I have been looking throught the start scripts of tomcat looking for
differences but I am lost easyly. Does anybody now any parameter that should
do the trick??

thanks in advance,

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