I'm having trouble with tomcat4+Apache(1.3) on Debian;
I find that tomcat, and tomcat4, don't install properly from the regular stable apt-get packages.

After much research on lists, FAQs, etc, there are lots of hints, do-it-yourself configurations, and other changes to try and conflicting recommendations(!), but I'd like to reduce the additional time involved (spent far too much already!); can't I just do an apt-get install tomcat4, and libapache-mod-webapp and have it work?

Basically Tomcat seems to work fine standalone (port 8180), same for Apache (port 80), but I cannot get connected to Tomcat via apache.

I first installed libapache-mod_jk, but it looks like that just adds an include to /etc/apache/httpd.conf which includes the empty file: /var/lib/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf
-- which seems to be empty on purpose!?

It does also indicate:
   JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat/jk/workers.properties

So, this looks like a null-connection from Apache to tomcat; and indeed Apache doesn't dispatch .jsp's to tomcat.

I did (then) install libapache-mod-webapp, and added the lines to httpd.conf (as requested in tomcat4/server.xml), but still don't get apache to dispatch .jsp's to tomcat.

The LoadModule seems to work fine; and logs this:
2003-07-31 11:06:04 [org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector] Connection from localhost/ to localhost/

But this uses mod-webapp, so now httpd.conf has two connectors?
     # LoadModule webapp_module libexec/mod_webapp.so
     WebAppConnection  warpConnection warp localhost:8008
     # WebAppDeploy      examples warpConnection /examples/   (Won't work..?)

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
# The following line is for apacheconfig - DO NOT REMOVE!
JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat/jk/workers.properties
Include /var/lib/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf
# added: GRG (from http://katanalynx.dyndns.org/~ajar/code/howtos/debian-tomcat4.html )
Include /etc/apache/mod_jk/tomcat.conf


1) From Apache .jsp's are just sent, not run.

2) I cannot use any of the webapp directives in httpd.conf; e.g.
     # WebAppDeploy      examples warpConnection /examples/
     # WebAppInfo /webappinfo

Both give: "Invalid command, perhaps mispelled?

3) the /examples (Tomcat) front pages come up, but then cannot access the servlets... (or JSPs)

Hints? :-)

Gregory Guthrie

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