2012/1/16 Hydriz Wikipedia <ad...@wikisorg.tk>:
> Personally, I rather we wait for the Pywikipedia devs to fix that script,

This is not going to happen anytime soon. Considering the state of the
code base (two hundred exceptions for three hunderd wikis, long
functions and no automated testing - and thus practically untestable),
and the state of the InterLanguage extension ('will be installed
soon'), so-one is really willing to invest a lot of time in tracking
memory usage and reducing it.

The only reasonable action we can take to reduce the memory
consumption is to let the OS do its job in freeing memory: using one
process to track pages that have to be corrected (using the database,
if possible), and one process to do the actual fixing (interwiki.py).
This should be reasonably easy to implement (i.e. use a pywikibot page
generator to generate a list of pages, use a database layer to track
interlanguage links and popen('interwiki.py <page>') if this is a
fixable situation)


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