Am 25.09.2012 20:48, schrieb Erik Moeller:
Toolserver is in fact hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation today, in our
Amsterdam data-center. [..] We also maintain the database replication
on our end which enables tools to function.

I don't know all internal systems, but i think by maintaining you mean: grant access to mysql binlogs, traffic costs and sometimes creating a dump.

Why can WMF not administrate the hole database replication servers for toolserver users in short-term if WMDE should not spend money on this anymore? Setting up new replication servers at production system is done quite often. Adding views for hiding private data and adding access control based on toolserver ldap should be possible. The rest of the toolserver infrastructure won't be touched by this change.

Currently the replication of database cluster of s3/s6/s7 (all on server hyacinth) is lagging for more than an hour, performance is very low and complex queries are taking 10 times longer than normal, so that some of my queries can not finish within maximum allowed runtime (which brakes some of my tools since about five days). To solve this problem new hardware is need. I as toolserver user don't care if support comes from WMDE or WMF as long as this problem is fixed. I am the one with the oversized user talk page because other authors asked me why my tools are not working.


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