On 04/11/12 00:56, DaB. wrote:
> Shortly after Asher Feldman provided a dump in the new xtrabackup-binary-
> format the wmf uses for dumps. It took ~2 days to transmit this dump to the 
> toolserver. 

Was the rate-limiting issue fixed?

> It is the first time the toolserver has to handle this new format and it took 
> some days to find the needed tools (the wmf uses Ubuntu for their database-
> servers while we uses Solaris). 

This may be a good time to migrate one of rosemary/thyme to Debian.

> Asher told me that the dump is compressed in 
> some way, but I could not decompress it. While I tried to figure out how to 
> decompress the file, I accidentally overwritten the file at Thursday.

Failures happen.
Looking aroound, it isn't obvious the way they get compressed. Given you
could not decompress it initially, it probably used xbstream (the other
common compression format with xtrabackup seems to be using a gzipped tar).
I would have expected Asher to provide you a full page documenting how
to restore the backups, though.
"How to restore a backup" is a critical piece which can't be left
undocumented (or untested).

Thanks for the update, DaB.

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