On 2/7/2011 9:58 AM, DAVID CUTHBERT wrote:
> Yes there are repercussions. Some stations will not work a domestic station
> in the DX Window. If everyone followed this rule no domestic station would
> operate in the DX Window. It takes two to tango.
>     Dave WX7G
> But Dave the United States Virgin Island *is* considered a domestic station 
> within the US ARRL Sections for the purpose of the ARRL 160 Meter Contest, 
> along with all the Pacific Island Territories. In contras, the CQ 160 Contest 
> Meter Contest the Territories are real DX entities as they are in the ARRL DX 
> Contest. In one contest you are DX and in the other you are not. in one you 
> are classified as a domestic station and the other you are not.    So here 
> you have more inconsistency, more confusion, more indication of nobody 
> acurately knowing what the rule was for in the first place.  It was *not* 
> designed for contesting but was later adopted by some self appointed self 
> annointed contest gurus.  Somewhere along the way the 1825-30 spot was 
> changed.  Who did this and why?  With all the sub-band limitations around the 
> world would it not be better to leave the frequency selection up to the 
> wisdom and decision of a skilled topband operator?

Herb, KV4FZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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