I have a simple switchable coaxial BOG running NE-SW. I have often
noticed that it is not bothered much by rain. In fact, I would consider
this a valid "selling point" of the BOG. Having said that, even on a
rainy day, the longer 2-wire beverage up about 5' still hears slightly
better (even with the rain static).

Wonder how many others have observed the same?

If you avoid sharp points or things that encourage corona discharge on antennas, or getting them close to or aimed at tall objects that have corona, the p-static will greatly diminish or go away.

I get no p-static at all on my bare-wire above-ground Beverages, except on one that points at my tall towers and is a few hundred feet from the towers. They stay dead quiet for p-static, except of course anything will hear the lightning noise from storms.
All good topband ops know how to put up a beverage at night.
Topband Reflector

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