Well said, Jim! Sounds like that "syndrome" you mention might be related to
*Topband Disease* ;-)
The link to that is now 404, but I have it copied to
http://www.w0btu.com/160_meters.html near the bottom.

I only completed the best 160m station that I have ever had (by completing
a legal limit 160m amp) just two weeks before the lightning QRN season took
hold this spring. I had a lot of fun with 1500w feeding my inverted-L and
listening on Beverages here for a short time.

Can you say, "chomping at the bit"? ;-)

73 Mike

On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Jim GM <jim.gmfo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds to me you were on track before your post.  If your hearing all that
> well, I think you have what most of us have.......waiting for the band to
> open syndrome.
Topband Reflector

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